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Experience Exquisite Spirits and Fine Liquors, Curated for the Connoisseur
Experience Exquisite Spirits and Fine Liquors, Curated for the Connoisseur
Smooth and versatile, Jameson Irish Whiskey is triple-distilled for a balanced taste of honey, spice, and vanilla. Enjoy it neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails.
KSh3,750 - 4,200
Smirnoff Vodka is exceptionally smooth and clean, perfect for sipping or mixing. Enjoy its subtle sweetness and crisp finish in your favorite drinks.
KSh3,000 - 3,500
Smooth and mellow, Tanduay Gold is a Filipino rum with notes of caramel, vanilla, and tropical fruit. Aged in ex-bourbon barrels, it's ideal for sipping or cocktails.
KSh2,000 - 2,500
A popular Indian whisky with a smooth and mellow blend of imported Scotch malts and Indian grain spirits. Enjoy hints of fruit and spice in every sip.
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